Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Simply "Yanni"!

I can still feel the ecstasy when I first saw Yanni live on stage as the white curtains dropped in one go making it even grander. No - It wasn’t Live on the TV... It was LIVE...He was right there a few meters there – in front of me.

As the last stop in his World Tour 2004-2005, he had played here in
Tampa on the 26th of Feb, 2005. Would I miss that chance?
I am happy that I have had very few disappointments (with an external factor) in my life that would stay green. I remember one of them - When Yanni had performed at the Taj in
India, I think I was in my High School and I knew I couldn’t have made it anyways. I was wondering "I have missed this one good chance, am I ever going to make it?"
So the day I found that he was touring here, I was waiting for the Web portals to open online ticket booking. And the same day, I rushed to book my seats - comfortable, near but not too close and affordable.

Two of my friends working with me here accompanied me for this show. I had wanted someone who has seen me listen to and love Yanni's music to be there to share what I call my simple down to earth "lifetime dream". My friends around here couldn’t make it. The sugar coating came when my cousins agreed to come down from
Atlanta. They are my god "people" - I felt it only when I came here. (Next to my own apt, Atlanta is my second home here - My first still remains the nest in NLC).

The show was to begin
8.00PM, and it did (with a 10 min lapse which we think was for the late crowd). He played unendingly... till 10:20 PM
. No Nonsense...No "calling kids to the stage", No talking about world peace or cause, No nothing. Just pure, simple, amazing MUSIC from YANNI.

When the curtains fell, I thought I cried seeing him. Nah...I just had a glob of joy mixed with surprise and a sense of greatness stuck at my throat. All through, I didn’t move from my seat. He opened with his usual popular opening piece Santorini. (The one you might have heard in lotsa Indian TV programs as Title music - sometime back). My favorite has been "Nostalgia" and boy! Did it take me back in time - nostalgic!!!!

He had included lot of Eastern Music (from his latest albums like Ethinicity). Bringing together nations, languages and ethnicities and everyone beyond the standard borders with his non-linguistic music, is what he says he is working for. Indeed!

Anyone who had come to this concert would have left the place humming or their souls slowly jiving to the inner rhythms that would remain for a few days. He had to tease us, the crowd a coupla times in the end to make us "go away".

The only thing I took away from that concert was a book with his pictures (of this tour) and of course a "floating in the cloud" feeling. I wanted to buy a T-Shirt with his fine signature on, but they ran out of stock. No photos, No CDs.

This moment, I can be right in the same place I was - in the concert, listening, relishing and devouring each piece of his - I just have to want to be there!

Glad this chance came by, More Glad I stepped on it,
Just "elated" to have been there with the ones I love,
And "Dumbstruck" seeing Yanni,
The music would play in my ears,
For a Lifetime…

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