Friday, March 18, 2005

Emotional Ends

July 1, 2004
7.30 pm

Am sitting at the airport waiting for my flight to Fort Lauderdale…I was early by an hour and the flight is delayed by an hour too... whoa! great!

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind tour of my emotions. Past, Present, Future all merging into one and making my brains blow out…of any imaginable proportions... Well, is that what you call “Insane”???

For a long time, I had been too naïve to have faced anything. What I did I guess was the best I could’ve at any given point and with the available amount of knowledge, maturity and experience. But what I did miss out is coming to terms with what I dealt with – with so much of efficacy. They were bundled into one big dirty sack waiting to be hurled out on me and soil my whole being and soul.

But haven’t I always been very near and dangerously close to earth and soil… so all that it could do to me is jus make me happier in the end.

In the time that ticks in our lives, boy! how many characters, souls, people and humans do we meet?!!! And not once do we not get out without any of these - Relationships, Goodness, Joy, Badness, Cruelty, Crookedness, Revenge, realization and learning.

It must be both annoying and pleasing to note that our life is but made up of just a variation of these and mixtures of these – a cocktail where at times the bartender gives you more alcohol than you had asked for and at times when you do need more, the guy seems to have noticed you are already falling off board and getting a wee bit too tipsy and so he helps you out by fixing you a mock tail!!!

Lol… Life is anything but ugly… It is a beautiful rhapsody sung and audible only to those ears that knows what noise is…and subsequently what melody can be!

I am talking in similes, metaphors and vagaries? Well, more often than we think, we say more than we think or we think we could, by not saying it, but mentioning what we got out of it. It gives that subtle feeling of understanding – a kind of handshake between yourself and your “you” that exists outside which leaves more than just a moment of slight physical activity in your brains… a sense of fullness to you and to me. For, what I see now, might have been experience to you or maybe a warning… though you might not completely put your fingers on what I am talking about… leave alone thinking about.

Nothing in this world is worth spending even a moment worrying for or spilling your sweet tears…except maybe yourself.

Peace – with yourself …sounds so far but we hold it so close and work for it night and day. Well, after all if we get what we want or need without a wait or effort, what is life for???

Good Life! Making emotional ends meet!

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