Friday, March 18, 2005

A "Gail" Conversation!

I feel like what Gail must have felt when he wanted to pull the trigger but couldn’t and didn’t.
Gail wanted to pull the trigger 'cos he thought the purpose for what he fought wasn’t purpose enough!
He didn’t because he hadn’t done justice to that seemingly unacceptable purpose also.

These are the exact words I wanted to type...
Didn’t 'cause I thought they were too abstract (even for me)

Sometimes what we claim as the goal, really mocks at us
We feel like a dinger scrubbing sewage when we explain our goals (even to ourselves)

Nothing is abstract...if we can frame it, we can sure read it
Me Other

Note: Gail as in Gail Wynand, portrayed as the Second Hander in “The Fountain Head” by Ayn Rand.

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