Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Mistake Mistaken - Proud to be here!

May 26, 2005.
To My Folks

Long time..."No News is Good News" eh?!!!

More Often than not, most of you would have heard me brood over joining Infosys - mainly because it is an IT company and I gel with IT like oil does with water. But as I would have often mentioned too, one major reason that pushed me to join (of course other than certain few other practical reasons) is the fact that Infosys was and is one of the few "Indian" companiesthat rose to shine like a Star in this whole world. Plus the fact that"MY" company is purely indegenious.

Though life inside Infosys opened me up to some not-so-desirable facts about the company, that I persume every company as big and huge as this would have, to be as successful as this, I had never really cursed. I have questioned, yes and been concerned if Infosys can do better to those working there...never cursed. Neither did I have reason to awe about anything cos, Infosys is a largely conservative company, with strict principles and a little olden practices. Which means they were a bit tight on the Marketing and advertising Expenditures as well - until very recently.

But today morning, I woke up to see another face of my company - the Giant propaganda in the middle of Times Square in New York (supposedly the business center of the Universe). Reason - NASDAQ invited Nandan, our CEO to open the market today, the day when Infosys' Issues ran up to more than 1 billion in Share Money and again its the first Indian company to ever attain this. My Jaws dropped! Never been prouder to have been an Infoscion!

More over here:

For once, a mistake I thought I did has proved me otherwise.
Share my Joy!


Anonymous said...

Everyone is proud of Infosys for their Integrity, there are several ways of doing business, but i have heard Integrity is the way of life at Infosys, no wonder that you are proud to be a part of their team.

Anonymous said...

Everyone is proud of Infosys for their Integrity, there are several ways of doing business, but i have heard Integrity is the way of life at Infosys, no wonder that you are proud to be a part of their team.

Gaea said...

Yes, I am very much! Well, thats one of Infosys' USP I guess :)

Radhika said...

Goodness..you on Infoscion! All this while I was thinking..okay she likes Coco M, Shiseido, and Lush..she is just like me..but NO..turns out you are like my hubby :P

Gaea said...

:) well, the world is made in dual entities. and this is just another part I guess.
ur hubby likes Lush?! ;)

Radhika said...

Nope..nothing..no Lush, no Chanels, no bags, no shoes :( Had decided all Infoscions are blind to the nicer stuff in life :P